Young Scientists Reader - Integrated Thematic Science Series

This is a monthly post on 'Book or Web/Mobile Application for Children'. Every 3rd week of the month I will post on a review on books that AJ has read or web/mobile application that he has tried on.

Jan - Sherlock Sam & the Missing Heirloom in Katong
Feb - UpToTen (Boowa & Koala) Online Educational Website for Pre-Schoolers
Mar - Sherlock Sam & the Vanished Robot in Penang
Apr - How To Think Like A Scientist
May - The Rock & The Bird
June - 君伟上小学

2 weeks ago, when I shopped in Popular book store with my friend from down South (because books & stationery are cheaper here), I saw this series from Young Scientists Reader.  Young Scientists Reader has magazines which we subscribed to, & recently the Collection Set.  Now it is this.  They just got me more confused. So what is what?  If we have already subscribed to the magazines, do we still need to get these 2 others (collection set & thematic books)?  If we get this, do we need to get that? 

I later realised from its website that the stories are best titles on the theme of Systems that are picked from 2012 & 2013 editions; Issue#112 to Issue#132.  

Since AJ only started reading the magazine last year (level 1),  it makes more sense for me to get these thematic book series.  Besides, they are now selling at promotional price of $6.90 over usual price of $9.50.

AJ looked through the books & gave a nob.  So we bought the entire 5 books in level 1.  It is a high chance that I will grab the other 5 in level 2 too, to take advantage of this discount.  If you are going Popular book store soon, do check out these titles. 


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